Holy Week in Narnia 2021

This recent years have been a challenge to us all but it does not stop us from remembering the passion, sacrifice and love of God for us. Passover, Lent, Easter, the symbolic and meaningful events that changed the course of history and saved us all from then on to eternity. 

With its message, we can also reflect these events in the land of Narnia. Through the books, we can learn from the 7 last words and from the movies, we can also get inspiration. Reflect this season. Remember the sacrifice and live the life Christ has offered us. 

The Seven Last Words and Narnia: 

Holy Week of season of lent always comes with distinctive and important events: we have the holy dates that starts with Palm Sunday; we also have the 7 last words of Jesus Christ during Good Friday; and of course the celebration Easter Sunday. It is important for us to also know the essence of these so called events. We are not here to just find these holy dates traditional. The death of Jesus Christ is a historic event that changed the course of our history and set our futures into a different path however before His last breath, He gave us His last 7 words.

First Word:

Luke 23:34: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. 

Book: Prince Caspian
In Prince Caspian, we were told that Narnians were in hiding due to the threat of the Telmarines. The line of Telmar has cut down trees, destroyed the homes of the Narnians including their lives. For thousands of years, the Narnians are in hiding until the young Prince Caspian blew the horn of Susan Pevensie summoning the kings and queens of old.  

Second Word:

Luke 23:43:
Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.
Book: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Summary: The story of Dawn Treader is unlike the first two books. It does not really have a big battle but it’s more like episodic with the faith and spiritual journey of the characters are the center of the story but mainly on Reepicheep. We were introduced to this noble chief mouse in Prince Caspian and we know his longing to meet, know and serve Aslan at all cost however, this is just entirely a small detail on his true intentions.

Third Word:

John 19:26–27:  “Woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.

Book: The Magician’s Nephew

Summary: The Magician’s Nephew is loosely inspired by the story of creation from the book of Genesis however one of the other main stories of the book is the character of Digory Kirke. Out of all the seven Chronicles, only The Magician’s Nephew shows a story of a character from our world who needs to save his own family. Digory’s mother is suffering an illness which deteriorates her life. Desperate enough to heal her, a help came from an unexpected event.

Fourth Word
Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34: "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? " 

Book: The Last Battle

Summary: During the last days of Narnia, the Calormen has already been in some control over the land. Aslan is not on sight and creatures wonder when he will return. An ape soon came across with an idea to deceive the Narnians after he saw a lion’s skin over the waters. Like in the other books, it seems like Aslan has forsaken them but in the last book, it is darker than what the other stories of Narnia has told us. It seems Narnia is in no way to be saved already and it’s just a matter of time before its ultimate destruction.

    Fifth Word: 

    John 19:28: I thirst.   
    Book: The Silver Chair

    Summary: During the first chapters, Jill came across a  stream.
    She was very thirsty at the moment however; Aslan is on   
    her way so she was skeptical whether or not she will be drinking from that stream. Aslan did not harm her. Jill was able to drink  from  the stream despite of being skeptic and scared.

  Full Message: 

                                                            Sixth word:

It is finished.
-John 19:30

Book: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Summary: Before the final word of Christ, He uttered “it is finished.” The mission is finished and the sacrifice is at the end. But that is actually just the beginning of another story. The story of Christ’s death on the cross is more than just saving us from our sins. In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Aslan also said these words after the Battle of Beruna signaling that the battle has finished and the hundred-year winter of Narnia has ended. But what’s in the context?


 Seventh Word:
Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit.

-Luke 23:46

Book: The Horse and His Boy

Summary: The final words Christ said before His ultimate death. This passed can be seen throughout other stories from Narnia such as Reepicheep going to Aslan’s country, Eustace changing his heart, Edmund repents his sin and so on however, we go to The Horse and His Boy as it also gives us that wonderful moment between Shasta and Aslan throughout the story. “Shasta was no longer afraid that the Voice belonged to something that would eat him, nor that it was the voice of a ghost. But a new and different sort of trembling came over him. Yet he felt glad too.”

Narnia music videos:


Narnia Resurrection in Lego 

Its a little art showing the resurrection of Aslan in Lego:

He is risen! God bless everyone and share the gospel of the Lord!


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