
Showing posts from July 4, 2016

C.S. Lewis: Between Heaven and Hell: Somewhere Beyond Death

Narnians! Something about C.S. Lewis news to be watched out! Between Heaven and Hell: Somewhere Beyond Death This is the title of a movie which is likely under the development stage that is based on Peter Kreeft's best selling novel featuring C.S.Lewis, the late US president John F. Kennedy and Aldous Huxley. Our good friend, William O'Flaherty  was the one who shared this amazing news! We also invite you to please listen to his podcasts about this film and more about C.S. Lewis by visiting the site below: This is under development as what was mentioned above however the film seems to be almost ready to be released and the cast and crew needs our help to make funds to make this film a possibility!  Please visit this link to help make this film a reality: Thank y