The 7 Last Words of Christ and Narnia

Holy Week of season of lent always comes with distinctive and important events: we have the holy dates that starts with Palm Sunday; we also have the 7 last words of Jesus Christ during Good Friday; and of course the celebration Easter Sunday. It is important for us to also know the essence of these so called events. We are not here to just find these holy dates traditional. The death of Jesus Christ is a historic event that changed the course of our history and set our futures into a different path however before His last breath, He gave us His last 7 words.

 Connecting this topic to The Chronicles of Narnia is not for fun. It is to remind us that Narnia is not just a novel written for children. The series is written by C.S. Lewis who is a Christ follower and also a discipler. As some may know, Narnia has been connected to many points from the Bible: from the crucifixion and resurrection seen in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to the depiction of judgement in the book of Revelation found in The Last Battle, it is not seemingly new to us that these timeless tales of Jack have so much more to offer. And so, here is something that I have thought to do during this Holy Week season. 

Before starting, here is something that some have found with regards to the 7 last words “Traditionally, these seven sayings are called words of 1. Forgiveness, 2. Salvation, 3. Relationship, 4. Abandonment, 5. Distress, 6. Triumph and 7. Reunion.” Each have different meanings but all of them holds a very important message. 

Each of the 7 last words will be discussed as the Holy Week progress. Stay tuned for the discussion from each messages. Stay safe Narnians!


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