Why C.S. Lewis wrote Narnia's 7 Chronicles

NewStateMan.com's Rowan Williams posted last December 3, 2013 about the reason why Lewis write The Chronicles of Narnia and here's an excerpt:

"Why the books go on working so effectively is no easy question to answer. It isn’t every reader, even every Christian reader, who finds them instantly compelling. Yet they bear many re-readings, and constantly disclose more things to think about. In this brief guide to some of their themes, I don’t intend to try and answer the question of why they are popular — though there are some obvious things to be said. I am more interested in what precisely C S Lewis thought he was doing in writing the books in the first place."

Read the whole article here: Why did C S Lewis write the Chronicles of Narnia?

Many things to think about reasons why C.S. Lewis created the world of Narnia. As we (Narnians) know that when mr. Lewis was a teenager, he thought of a picture of a faun carrying parcels and in his adult years where he became a Christian, he had written The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe but why?

Also, we all know that Lewis created the Narnia world for children, but the main reason is a little questionable.

What do you think Narnians? What's the reason why Lewis wrote The Chronicles of Narnia? What was his purpose? his aim? his reason?

Share your thoughts and comment them below.


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