Fans of Narnia talk about the Silver Chair film!


Narnia 4 page in Facebook opened a little discussion last November for some of the fans of Narnia to talk about the fourth film in the franchise that is going to be The Silver Chair and not The Magician’s Nephew. All questions were given by the Narnia 4 page while some fans answered the questions. Here’s the compilation of the discussion.
Q1 Last October, we all heard the news of the 4th Narnia film coming and it will be The Silver Chair despite being announced as The Magician's Nephew years ago. The 4th film is said to be produced by the Mark Gordon Company. Now, what was your very first reaction when you heard that there will be a fourth Narnia film and it's going to be based on The Silver Chair?
Shalaka Nawle just re-read the story of silver chair and waiting for movie to watch what they make different in movie
Brian L. James I am so excited : )
Wendy Clare Happy--and sad that Will Poulter is now too old to continue his brilliant turn as Eustace. He's too old (and TALL!) to go back to Narnia, sadly--unless they up the ages. I'd love it if they could make it work to bring him back somehow, though--he was so brilliant in VDT.
Marcela Delfino Capalbo My reaction was very good because I consider myself Narnian. Happy jumped for joy and said to my mother for her to take me to the movies for me acistir in 3d
Tess Warner I was shocked and didn't realize that they were going to make another one. Is Will Poulter going to be in the Silver Chair?
Q2 Which 1 is better for you as the 4th Narnia film (The Silver Chair or The Magician’s Nehew)? Comment your reasons why.
We got a total of 16 votes for The Silver Chair while none for The Magician’s Nephew also, we got one reason why The Silver Chair should be next and here’s her reason why:
Wendy Clare The continuation of Eustace's story line is the main reason SC should be next. But I don't really mind either long as it's a GOOD adaptation, beautifully acted and filmed.
Q3 Now, what particular things are you most excited about The Silver Chair film?
Tess Warner Will Poulter if he's going to be in the movie. And I wonder who would play the character Jill.
Maria Jose Morillo Flores The part where Puddlegum says "I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't an Aslan to lead it"
Q4 What's your feeling that any of the Pevensie kids are most likely NOT going to be in The Silver Chair film because they are not in the book?
Elizabeth Mccandless I would feel sad but if they said some things about them than I would be happy
Kate M Laine uh no comment
Q5 Eustace Scrubb or Jill Pole?
We got a total of 5 votes in favor of Eustace while sadly we do not get any votes in favor of Jill.
The Silver Chair is the next Narnia film BUT there are no release dates, no director, no actors to play and no scripts yet. What they only have now is that Mark Gordon Company will be producing the film. No word yet if Walden Media is to be involved again. Although, many says that Narnia 4 will be released in 2015 9but it’s not official).
So what do you Narnians think? Some of the fans have spoken about Narnia 4! Are you ready for the 4th film or just really done on the movie franchise of Narnia? Comment below for us to know your side and your feelings!
Stay tuned for more Narnia film updates! 
Poster created by: Narnia 4
Special thanks to Narnia 4 !


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