C.S. Lewis' death remembered by step-son Douglas Gresham

Hours before John F. Kennedy's death, the Narnia author, C.S. Lewis died and that was just a week before his 65th birthday. Douglas Gresham, remembers the death of his step-father, C.S. Lewis:
according to Independent.co.uk ,

"It was a cruel blow," he says. "Most of us regarded him as a great hope for Western civilisation. But it was only the first blow of the day. Soon any thoughts about Kennedy would go completely out of my mind."

A little over an hour later, Gresham was doing homework inside a classroom away from the main school building when an unusual sound alarmed him – the urgent steps of high heels coming down the path outside. "I have no idea why, but I knew immediately it was for me," he says. "Pam, the headmaster's daughter, had come to fetch me. My stepfather had died."

Read the full article here: Independent.co.uk

Other stories and articles about Lewis' 50th death anniversary:
NarniaContinent, C.S. Lewis: 50 years of a living legacy
EssentialCSLewis, Summary of Lewis in Poets’ Corner
NarniaWeb, Remembering C.S. Lewis
Dailybeast, 3 Great men died that day
BBC, CS Lewis honoured with Poets’ Corner memorial
Time, Why Narnia still matters today


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