The Narnia Crossword

The Narnia Crossword

This crossword was made for all Narnians as well as for those who wants to play this. The words in this crossword are all from The Chronicles of Narnia, they are from the names, chapters, quotes and more.

Please read the Instructions below and follow it:

Answer the crossword as soon as you can. No need to finish it if you can't. You may put your answers using either of the two: Paint or by just typing it. Put your answers by messaging us here: The Narnia Continent (remember that all answers in the comments will be disqualified) and also don't forget to put your team (The Wardrobe, The Horn or The Dawn Treader).

Any more questions? just message us! ;)

Can't read the Across and Down in the picture?
Here is your guide:

1. What ______ the Eagle Brought.
3. The westernmost island of the Seven Isles.
6. Mother of Eustace and the aunt of the Pevensies.
10. “Many come down, and ___ return to the sunlit lands”
12. ________ of the Last sea
14. ________ of the Southern March
15. The enchanted world of Lewis’ Chronicles.
18. The month when Prince Caspian was released.
19. _______ Narnia in danger
22. The place where the Battle against the White Witch’s army and the Telmarine army occurred.
26. Glimfeather
27. Breehy-hinny-brinny-hoohy-hah
29. Everything
34. Lone, Dragon, Burnt, Dark, Ramandu’s, Goldwater, Magician’s, etc.
37. The celestial orb of Narnia is a source of delight.
43. Address a solemn request of thanks to a deity or other object of worship.
45. The capital city of Calormen and the seat of the Tisroc’s rule.
47. Reepicheep and Peepiceek
54. The _______ Chair
56. King Cor of Archenland
57. The four children who are drawn into Narnia by a Wardrobe and by the blow of the horn.
58. “That sword you carry, it must be __ed in Aslan’s Table.

1. This Narnia is the heart of Narnia, which has always existed in Aslan’s Country, on the other side of the Door.
2. Lonely
3. Hwin
4. “Well, ____ she's not mad and she's not lying, then logically we must assume she's telling the truth.”
5. Andrew Ketterly’s grandmother
7. Turkish Delight
8. The most famous king of Archenland.
9. The _____ of Reepicheep.
13. Man-eating monsters, the size of Giants, summoned by the White Witch to the slaying of Aslan.
14. Stable _______
15. Also known as water Nymphs.
16. Present
17. _______ Delight
18. The Voyage of the Dawn _______
21. Nickname of the High King to his siblings.
25. The son of the Emperor-Beyond-The-Sea. The High King of all High Kings in Narnia.
26. The fair-haired King of Archenland who in 407 N.Y. defeats Pire.
30. Battle of Anvard
31. One of the three Lone Islands. It is the site of Bernstead, the estate of Lord Bern.
35. Father of Cor and Corin, also a King of Archenland.
38. A flute playing faun who first saw Lucy wondering in the Spare-Oom.
40. Narnian Year
42. The Queen of the Horn.
43. An obsequious, oily pirate on the island of Felimath who is engaged in the Slave Trade.
44. Ugly, old, evil witches summoned by the White Witch to the slaying of Aslan at the Stone Table.
45. Shasta among the ______.
48. The Valiant Queen who is also the closest friend of Aslan.
52. Jill _____
55. The first Lord to be seen among the 7 Lost Lords of Narnia.

Further Up and Further In Narnians!


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