Narnia Trilo3y Film Fest

Narnia Trilo3y
First three films of The Chronicles of Narnia to be released again in the big screen in L.A. this May!

The first three movies of The Chronicles of Narnia series will be featured by Narnia Trilo3y Film Fest this May in Los Angeles in celebration of C.S. Lewis' amazing works and to showcase cuisine that is inspired from the books and movies of the Chronicles.

According to
The Narnia Trilo3y Film Fest is the most anticipated interactive movie marathon experience in the world today. After listening to fans who for years have yearned to experience and to even re-experience the Narnia trilogy on the big screen, we are very proud to make this dream a reality by producing this film series in vintage, historic movie theaters kicking off this Memorial Day (May 25th & 26th).

Some percentage of the income that the Film Fest will recieve will be donated. These funds will go  to support the organizer’s “A Quest To Cure MS.”

Angry Goat Productions, the producers of the event, announced the first 300 lucky attendees that purchase tickets in the month of April, receive a commemorative Narnia Swag bag and will be entered into a drawing for two roundtrip domestic airline tickets to Los Angeles* for the highly anticipated Narnia Movie Marathon. (*terms and conditions apply)


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